Friday 1 July 2022

Ireland, tyres and beaches

So we eventually found one tyre in Limerick. ADV bikes aren't big things here and tube tyres even less so. The Honda shop does more on quads and lawn mowers, but it did have a dusty tyre that fitted, so as Gareth's bike was more in need than me, we had a bit of fun fitting it as the garage didn't have the time.

Before getting to Limerick though, we found a beach that we could ride on. Now this is a first for me. I've never ridden on sand, so I was super keen to do it as I want to ride across the Sahara in the next 12 months. We did a small distance, then realised we could ride a lot more, so just did. Gareth had his drone with him, so out that came and we had a play... I do love beach riding!!

Our campsite for the night was hidden away in a ruined castle. We thought that if we tucked the bikes around the back wall, we'd be out of sight. How wrong we were, we had about 10 visitors that night, all staying for a chat and giggle. One local family told us their family history, two guys came on bikes from further north and we had a gossip, then we met up with a lad heading south and staying in the nearby B+B. We also got a visit from a French couple and a Swiss couple. It turned into the most social of evenings anyone could wish for!!