Cumbria TRF have taken on the role of updating the trails info for Cumbria on the Hierarchy of Trails information available at Cumbria County Council website.
Last checked between 2006 & 2008, some of the lanes have changed and some of the lanes that do not see much traffic need to be ridden to maintain them as a Byway/UCR.
I volunteered to look at the lanes in the north of the county, so over the next few weeks plan to ride a fair few... so far there has been a couple of rides that have turned into minor epics!
One lane that crosses the Caldew River, I'd looked at before, it has a short but deep ford across it and on my first visit with a mate, we decided the water levels were too high, so a return trip was logged in my head.
That day arrived whilst checking out the lanes for the HoT. It started out quite innocuously, a nice surface and set of bends down to the river. The river looked deep and had a good current, but I decided to brave it!
The results are in the film below... skip forward to about 5.30 seconds and watch in disbelief!!