Thursday, 30 January 2025

Tunisia: Day 10

After breakfast, I checked the oil and other fluids on the Landy. Yesterday's uphill exercise had used a little, plus I've now clocked over 5k miles on this trip so far.
Once I set off, the pass I was traversing dropped eventually to a series of well watered olive farms. 
Then through several villages with large poly tunnels to Sidi Bouzid. The driving here was completely different to the rest of Tunisia, more uncaring and more aggressive. No one would let me out at junctions and they glued themselves to my rear quarter. One nearly hit me as I braked.
A squint at the map showed a way north off the main roads. This took me into some sunken sand roads, through more olive groves. 

The people here were less wealthy, so donkey and cart prevailed for transport, with the odd repair shop on the side of the road with spare lorry wheels and puncture repairs. The trees were smaller, but no less well cared for. Fruit trees were blossoming here as well, with Jay's flitting through the various trees. There is some kind of blight affecting the prickly pear cactus. It's like a white mould. Coupled with the surrounding rubbish at their base,  they do look very sorry for themselves.
Once past this bit, it's all flattish plain to Tunis, so I had the idea to go see what the score was with a ferry to Sardinia. 
En route, I passed more Roman ruins, a two level tower and arch on a hillside and a great viaduct.
No ferries to Cagliari, so for £27 I changed my ticket to Palermo to today, which left in about 3 hours. 
So, with a dirty truck, hardly any food or planning, I joined the queues through check in and customs. Another night of sleeping on a table after emptying the entire truck again for customs.