Monday, 3 February 2025

Sardinia: Day 1

After 2 days of a bed, shower and restaurant food, I was lighter in my bank account, rested, but getting restless. However, the Landy has been washed, cleaned and refueled, euros were ready for the next leg of the trip and I've done shopping for a few days. I've also visited some places in Palermo and Isola del Femmine, a lovely little fishing port with a Genoese tower on the nearby island. Again, I was staggered by the amount of climbing here. Miles of limestone cliffs above the towns. A quick search online showed a lot of guidebooks for the multiple areas. 
Getting on the ferry was another guessing game once through the gate, but not so many security checks and nobody even looked for my ticket at all. The boat was a step up from the Tunisian one. Comfy seats, al la carte restaurant, viewing deck and staff on each deck to direct passengers to their places. It was also clean with nice toilets.
Sicily was covered in grey clouds, the hills barely visible, but the threatening rain seemed to be holding off, or maybe, it was just inland. If I come back, I think it'll be a bike trip and I'll climb Etna for a look at the caldera.
12 hours of sailing saw us get into Cagliari. Exiting the ferry was simple and I was soon on my way to Pula, a posh little place 30k sw of Cagliari. Once parked up, I sorted the back of the Landy out and organised laundry, then it was sleep time.